Parenting, Motherhood Latonya Mo Parenting, Motherhood Latonya Mo

Daughters and Friendships: Helping My Daughters Navigate Friendships

I think it's easy for grown-ups to think that children will get along because all they are doing is playing, but we all know that each child has her own personality, triggers, and quirks. 

In order to help my daughters to not fall into the same friendship traps as I did as I child, I am adamant about teaching them these three keys when it relates to friendships:

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Children, Parenting, Motherhood Latonya Mo Children, Parenting, Motherhood Latonya Mo

Attending a Parenting Conference Can Help You Be a Better Parent

If you've been a parent for any amount of time, you may have come to the conclusion that parenting can be tough.  For some these moments of toughness aren't as frequent while for others parenting may be a constant battle.  No matter which camp you fall into it's easy to feel alone on the parenting journey even when there are millions of other parents. 

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My First Mom Getaway (Heading to the 2:1 Conference)

I have a confession.  I have never spent more than a day away from my children not even when I attended Hearts at Home.  No overnight trips.  No extended girls weekend.  Nope, none of that.  I wondered if I this was a rarity since many of my friends don't mind getting away sans children.  I was recently reminded that there are other moms who are just like me, moms who haven't found a reason or two to head out alone for more than a day.  I have finally found my reason, and it's the 2:1 Conference which will be held in Ohio this year.

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