Posts in Adventures Travel
My First Mom Getaway (Heading to the 2:1 Conference)

I have a confession.  I have never spent more than a day away from my children not even when I attended Hearts at Home.  No overnight trips.  No extended girls weekend.  Nope, none of that.  I wondered if I this was a rarity since many of my friends don't mind getting away sans children.  I was recently reminded that there are other moms who are just like me, moms who haven't found a reason or two to head out alone for more than a day.  I have finally found my reason, and it's the 2:1 Conference which will be held in Ohio this year.

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Birthday Struggles & Fun with the World of Coca-Cola

After celebrating eight birthdays as a family, one would assume that birthdays would be a cinch in our home, but too be honest they have been anything but that for the past three or so years.  I dreaded birthdays.  Not because everyone was aging or that they represent time passing.  I dreaded them because as the girls aged birthdays became a source of contention in our home.  Why, you may ask?  Well, we have one summer birthday and one winter birthday.  This caused our winter child to feel cheated. If we are honest, summer birthdays seem to represent fun!  It's hot outside and opportunities to do things are endless.

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