How to Find Community as a Black Homeschool Family
When I started my homeschooling mom career, I initially didn't seek out other homeschooling families. I wanted to get started and find my own way before taking in the thoughts, ideas, and opinions of others on the journey. I didn't want to become confused or discouraged because of information overload. After I got my footing, I slowly started to venture out in seek different ways to interact with other homeschooling families.
Homeschooling When Working Full-Time from Home
Although this time is more optimistic, I still have to intentionally make this season of my life work without becoming overwhelmed and burnt out.
I'm Not Homeschooling Alone
It hasn't been easy for me as their primary teacher with the work I've had to do within and for myself after the accident. Some days I've questioned myself because our homeschool isn't anything like I imagined it to be for this season.
Q & A with Homeschool Mom Series | Meet Nike Anderson
Our vision for our homeschool is to help our boys develop a love for learning, so seeing my boys so excited to learn is probably my favorite part of homeschooling.
Applying the 12 Week Year to Our Homeschool
I am excited about this new to us approach to homeschooling. I feel confident that we will achieve more than we intentionally set out to achieve by being focused for shorter spans of time.
Homeschool Fitness: Easy Physical Activities to Incorporate in Everyday Life
In the last post of the Fitness in Your Homeschool series, I want to share with you some our favorite go-to exercises. These exercises work a variety of muscles and are easy to to incorporate into any part of the day. You don't have to be dressed in your workout gear or P. E. clothes to do them.