Building Speech Confidence and Improving Pronunciation with Forbrain (REVIEW)

Our purpose for using the Forbrain headset was to help the youngest boost her reading aloud confidence, fluency, and pronunciation.  She often loses track of what she is reading which affects her pacing.  Forbrain doesn’t necessarily help with tracking, but it does help with being more focused which I noticed when we read the daily history lessons.  She would be become more intentional when wearing the headset which helped with her overall reading skills. My youngest daughter does a great job with decoding, and she comprehends everything she reads.  I think this is pretty amazing since she has always showed some similar signs of dyslexia.  She continues to reverse and see things differently, but if I hadn’t been with her all along and was simply an onlooker those similarities would not jump out to me as a red flag because she has strong skills in other literacy areas.   

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Study the Constellations with The Book of Astronomy

Have you ever had a “right on time” experience?  This was the case when we were selected to REVIEW The Book of Astronomy by Memoria Press.  The girls decided they wanted to review this curriculum long before their dad suggested to me that I should include astronomy in our studies.  He was prompted to make this suggestion when our youngest daughter’s gymnastics coach mentioned asteroids and meteoroids to the girls during one of their practices, and I was happy to respond that The Book of Astronomy was soon to be on our home school curriculum shelf.

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Sculpting with ARTistic Pursuits

culpture Technique Model is a course which students can earn credit if the parent desires. The course work is written in a conversational tone which allows the course to be independent.  We did not use it as an independent course since the girls needed help with preparing some of the materials.  To assist in grading the projects fairly, each unit ends with an evaluation.  The evaluation has depth is offers a good baseline for checking understanding in the areas of: The Elements of Sculpture, Creativity, and Craftsmanship.  This evaluation allows the artist to speak about the piece of work created either verbally or written.  Since we are not at the stage of earning credit for courses, we will complete some of the projects, but repeat in the future for credit purposes.

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Latonya MoComment