Posts tagged Homeschool Curriculum
WriteShop Junior Homeschool Writing Curriculum Review

When I made plans for the current school year, I knew that I wanted to be more strategic and clear about our writing goals.  Since the beginning of our homeschool journey, I made sure the girls would write in their journals daily, and I made it a point to include a few structured writing assignments. This worked well for us, but this year I wanted to be more intentional with their writing assignments which is the reason I am grateful for the opportunity to review WriteShop Junior Book E.

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The Cat of Bubastes REVIEW

I first heard of The Cat of Bubastes when I was planning a unit study about Egypt for the girls a few years ago.  We didn’t read the story back then, but after listening to it I was a little disappointed in myself for not taking the time to read it to them earlier.  This is a testament to just how well the story was produced and shared through this medium.

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Getting Started with French- REVIEW

The program is written “to be self-explanatory, self-paced, self-contained, and inexpensive.” I can say that all four of these components are true about the program.  There are 172 lessons in the book which are written clearly and concisely, and doesn’t leave much room for misunderstanding the purpose of the program.  

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Spiritual Circle Journal- REVIEW

The journal pages are duplicated providing the user with a bit of comfort since the format is the same throughout.  There is a sample page which serves as a reminder on how to journal within the nine designated prayer areas since the blank pages do not have directions on them nor do the spaces specifically say what should be written within instead each space has the initial of the idea that should go within it.   For instance, L/V is the label for the musical note shaped space where lyric or verses are to be shared.  In this space, my daughters can write about a lyric or Bible verse that has caught their attention. 

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