There's Power in Writing
My friend often reminds me that I encouraged her to begin journaling. She shares with me often the power of writing down her thoughts, fears, and dreams. When I made the suggestion to her, I really didn't know the impact it would have in her life.
Created to Create 2 | Illustrated Faith
Creativity is a big part of who I am. I can't go too many days without making something. When I do, I feel a bit disconnected. With all that said, can I be honest for a second? I am not always okay with my creative process.
Rise Up Kit | Illustrated Faith
I am intentionally joining the Illustrated Faith community. It's not the IRL community that I am used to, but it is perfect for the season that I am in now. It allows me to work through the 14 day devotionals and share my understanding with a community of artists who appreciate the Word.