One Word 2017- Embrace
For the past few years, I have been blessed with a new word to help me get through the year. The word of the year usually help me to remain focused and guides my perspective based on its meaning. Last year, my word was joy. I am happy that joy latched itself on to me because it helped me see life through a lens that was downtrodden or hopeless regardless of the circumstances that surrounded me.
Embrace has chosen to latch itself on to me for 2017. I tend to know my word before the year begins. The one time I chose my own word, it didn't seem to go as well as the years when the word chose me. With that said, I am trusting that embrace will gentle to me even though I know it will challenge me to be the best that I can be.
When I first knew embrace would be my word, I was a bit afraid. I know that what I am going to be called to embrace will not always be easy. I am going to have to embrace those parts of myself and others that I struggle with at times. To embrace means I will have to dig in and not run away when the challenge because too hard or when fear tries to take over.
Watch me share more about my one word history and this year's word, embrace, via video:
Did you watch the video? Share your one word for 2017 in the comments below.
Embrace Your Life January 2017 Calendar
As I embark upon the challenge of embracing my gifts, my life, my family, and my Creator, I invite you to join me. This year I am sharing with you all the FREE monthly Embrace Your Life Calendar. Each day has a quote, challenge, activity, or encouragement to help you embrace your life and find joy and contentment in your ordinary days. We know that the Most High does extraordinary things in our ordinary days. Will join me?
A glimpse of the Embrace Your Life calendar
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