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Mothering Daughters | 8 Things I Love About Being a Mom

This year I will be a mom of two for a decade.  If anyone would've told me that my secret hope would be fulfilled, I probably wouldn't have believed them.  When I was pregnant with my second daughter, I secretly wanted another daughter although on the outside I would say a son would be fine because many around me thought that a family was complete if you had both a son and daughter. I didn't really think that, but I did go along with it.  I am grateful that He blessed me with my two girls because they are just who I needed to enjoy this life.

8 Reasons I Love Being a Mother to My Two Daughters

They keep me laughing. I love that my daughters don't mind showing their sense of humor. They are quirky and hilarious. Their humor varies depending on the day and topic, but there isn't a day that doesn't go by that I am not laughing about something that they did or said. Today they are bringing me humor as they continue the never ending discussion about their height.  I think they are disappointed that they will not be very tall. :) 

They help me see things differently. I guess there's truth in getting stuck in your ways, but with children it can be hard to have they "my way or no way" perspective.  At least this is true for me.  My daughters are still developing their views and strengthening their voices so I can't afford to shut them down without taking their perspectives into consideration.  I love that they are willing to share their opinions with me even when I don't understand or the response will remain no. They are learning to take their time to explain their position, and I am learning that not all positions have to be explained. 

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They give the best hugs. I can't say that I never was hugged as a child, but hugs were few.  As an mom, I've learned a lot about being affectionate and being touched when I am feeling untouchable.  I am grateful that my daughters understand this about me and are still willing to give me a big hug when I say I need one. I love when I ask, "May I have a hug?" and both of my daughters run over to me.  It truly is the best feeling in the world. 

They have each other's back. I love watching my daughters be sisters to one another. The bond that they have I had not witnessed before I met them. They have a true connection, and it has been evident since my youngest was born. I wasn't sure how it would play having two daughters since society often tells us that girls/women simply can't get along.  I am happy to know that they'll have each other as friends.  I am not saying that they don't grumble when it comes to the other, but I am saying there are more good moments than bad.

They are great company. I didn't know that I would have the opportunity to spend so much time with my daughters. I assumed they would go off to school, but instead we are all at home together. This is one of my favorite parts of being a mom to my girls. The time we get to spend together helps us to really know each other better. We get to know those things about each other that would probably be easily hidden if we didn't have time for conversations basically any time and anywhere.  I love going new places and trying out new things with them. 

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They help me to focus on what matters. I've not changed dramatically, but I have changed.  I believe my changes have been to make me more of who I was designed to me. My daughters have helped me in this area. I don't have time to waste on foolishness. I don't have time to chase anything that isn't for me, and they have encouraged me to go after the things that do matter like being a good mother to them and using my talents. I know they are watching me so I want to be a good example for them as they enter womanhood. I don't want them to feel the urge to focus on what society tells them that matters. 

They're fun to learn with. I didn't realize I would learn so much simply from being a mother. I've learned how to listen better.  I've learned how to be patient not only with them, but myself. I've learned that mistakes are great for learning. I used to think mistakes were meant to be hidden. I love that my daughters are willing to learn beside me.  My oldest daughter told me, " I am so glad that you are mom. You teach me so much. I am going to need the things you teach me when I am an adult. I am glad God made you my mom."  She has shared this with me several times over the years even after I giving a super long lecture about something or the other.  

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They keep me young. Technically, I am still considered young, but life has a way in making you feel tired and worn out. My girls help me to stay grounded in the moment--not getting to far ahead of myself. When I stay in the moment, I smile more and simply enjoy each moment as it comes. Just like this morning, my youngest daughter are listening to the Maze and Frankie Beverly station on Pandora and dancing around.  I am actually dancing a bit as I type this. They are a constant reminder that life is to be enjoyed even in the midst of chaos, disappointment, and working out our own salvation. 

I never knew I would be a mother, but I am glad that I am. 

What do you love about being a mother?  Please share in the comments.