Making Time for Art in Your Homeschool
Art is one area of our homeschool that didn’t always make the cut when we first started our learning at home journey. I thought it was “wise” to spend our time reading, writing, and computing. Art would be messy and time consuming so it was best if I left it off the list.
Taking a Leap into Distance Learning with BJU Press
Next school year, we’ll try distance learning for the first time.
Preparing My Daughters for Their First Standardized Tests
For the first time in our homeschool career, my daughters will take a standardized test.
Should Homeschool Moms Work?
Choosing to work and homeschool will have challenges just the same as choosing not to work and homeschool. With that being said, I am often asked how to earn income as a homeschooling mother.
Q & A with Homeschool Mom Series | Meet Nike Anderson
Our vision for our homeschool is to help our boys develop a love for learning, so seeing my boys so excited to learn is probably my favorite part of homeschooling.
Applying the 12 Week Year to Our Homeschool
I am excited about this new to us approach to homeschooling. I feel confident that we will achieve more than we intentionally set out to achieve by being focused for shorter spans of time.