Q & A with Homeschool Mom | Meet Jennifer from Good Life Detroit
When I started this series featuring African-American homeschool moms, I didn't know exactly the way it would turn out. I still don't know, but I do enjoy featuring a new African-American mom regularly. Jennifer shared this with me, "I think it's important for families of color to share their experience homeschooling.
Using Google Classroom with Uncle Sam and You
This year, we are trying something new when it comes to scheduling, tracking, and studying history. Since Google Classroom is now available for use by homeschoolers, we are incorporating it into our learning environment.
My Top Three Favorite Supplies as a Homeschool Teacher
I can't believe that I have yet to write a post about my favorite supplies as a homeschool mom/teacher. I've always been hesitant to write such posts because there are a ton of posts on the internet with lists of favorite pens, planners, and such, and I figured I shouldn't add to the madness. But once the question was asked of me, I realized that my answer isn't related to the best pens, planners, or paper, but instead they aren't even in the same category.
Q & A with Homeschool Mom | Meet Denedriane
Many of us are on the road to homeschooling to the end of our children's academic career. We know homeschooling has its ups and downs. We know that we might not get it all right every single year let alone every single day. Homeschooling isn't a journey that we should travel on alone.
Back to School Traditions for Middle School Homeschoolers
Today was our first day back to school, and I wanted to start off on the right foot. I am not an advance planner; as the first day was quickly approaching I was still pondering how would I make today spectacular.
Preparing for New Learning Experiences Without Spending Like Crazy!
In order to get ready for the purchasing of material I write a list of the topics the girls desire to learn and the things I believe are a must to learn. After writing my list, I list the potential resources I will use to teach the girls the topic. By the time I get to the ordering stage many items have been removed simply because we don't need them. I appreciate being able to sit with my list before ordering because it keeps me from spending frivolously.