Fun with Science : Master Books Elementary Chemistry & Physics Set Review
When we attended Teach Them Diligently this past spring, I was introduced to Master Books. I didn't browse their table much while I was there, but when I returned home and was looking through the many catalogs. I was pleased to run across theirs.
The Elementary Chemistry & Physics set piqued my interest because my oldest daughter mentioned that she would like to learn more about Chemistry. The set seemed like the perfect fit for us because it offers experiments with every lesson. Actually, the experiments are the foundation for all the science that is being taught.
The curriculum set comes with a student journal for each topic, teacher's guide for each topic, paperback textbook for each topic, and a parent lesson planner which includes a schedule, quizzes, and tests for both topics.
How we are using Elementary Chemistry & Physics?
We are making the most out of this program by getting together with another home educating family. We meet twice a week. During this time, we complete the experiment for the investigation. The children look forward to completing each class' experiment. I often facilitate versus completing the experiment for them because they are all old enough to be involved.
While completing the investigation, the student journal has between 3 and 8 questions which go along with the experiment. These questions are easily answered by making observations. Some questions do give the learners the opportunity to infer which I appreciate.
Upon completing the investigation, we read the text which goes along with the investigation. The text can be easily read by a child in 3rd grade or above on his or her own. There are times that I read along with them, and there are also times when they read it alone. I appreciate the text offers a deeper understanding and includes vocabulary that we have yet to be introduced. After reading the text, the learners complete the "What Did You Learn" section which is reading comprehension. There are usually no more than ten questions in this section.
When we all come back together, the children share their answers from the "What Did You Learn" section. They also try to stump one another by asking each other questions from their reading or research.
Research opportunities are provided in the "Dig Deeper" section of the program. Each lesson has about four research questions. They are able to choose the question in which they would like to focus on for the particular lesson. I like this part of the program because it allows them to apply their knowledge and seek out new information.
What do we like about the program?
We like this program because it is cost efficient. The set is listed for $40.65. Although I received this program for no cost for my honest review, it wasn't a budget breaker for the other family using it with us. I also purchased additional journals since the set has only one journal per topic.
The variety within the program is a nice fit for my daughters. They enjoy having things mixed up and so do I. I also like that although there is variety, the format is consistent. There isn't much hopping around to this or that.
I also appreciate the master list of supplies listed in the back of the Parent Lesson Planner. Many of the materials used are found around the home, but there are experiments which require real science tools such as a flask, beaker, litmus paper, and graduated cylinder to name a few.
We are looking forward to completing science this year with Master Books . You can see examples on their website.

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