Why We Continue to Homeschool ...

It's been a little over three years since I wrote the Why Homeschooling Works For Us!

 Before that moment,  I hadn't ever written about our reasons for homeschooling.  Now, I am realizing that I also never came back to share our reasons for continuing to teach our daughters at home.  Sometimes our reasons for starting something are not the same as the reasons we continue.

As many of you know, the girls and I ventured off into public school.  And as many of you know, it wasn't the most pleasant experience.  We did all return with new found dedication and appreciation for the gift of learning at home.

Because we had that out of the home experience, my top reason for continuing to homeschool is because my daughters want to learn at home.They saw first had that school isn't the same as it is on television.  My oldest had the perception that school was going to be just as fun as our co-op or Sid the Science Kid or even the Magic School Bus even though she knew they wouldn't go on the awesome trips that Miss Frizzle takes her crew.

All my other reasons stem from the first.

  • I can challenge my girls.  I have more than enough time to create or find materials to get them out of their comfort zone.  It's easy for me to recognize when they are in their comfort zones, and need a gentle to push.  They aren't limited by outsiders.  Their only limits will be the ones that they create for themselves.
  • Since they desire to be home, I am able to make it enjoyable.  Our learning environment isn't perfect, but we seldom fight about getting work done.  They understand the privilege of learning in the comfort of their own home. We also have the opportunity to go on many different awesome outings although I'm still no Miss Frizzle :)
  • We are able to restore some of the things that were lost in the generations before us.  The relationships that we have within our family of four are priceless.  If I wasn't living my own life, I would continue to think that this life isn't possible for folks like me.  I wasn't allowed  to enjoy my childhood.  My parents were not there so seeing an intact family is like a dream to me.
  • My children are able to form their own perspectives about people, situations, and such.  They have yet to be hardened by the world, and I am immensely grateful for this.  In my year of teaching, I had so many six year old students that already felt like the world was out to get them.  It truly is an honor to be able to help them strengthen themselves from the inside, and preparation for what the world may or may not bring.  

Those are few reasons why we choose to stay on this journey as a family.  

Be blessed!

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©2009- 2015 A Little This... A Little That. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. http://lilthisandthat.com


What I'm Creating: Falling Back into Scrapbooking


What We're Learning: That Time We Helped a Cardinal