5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Joy Review

This post contains affiliate links. I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <http://booklookbloggers.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review.
5 Minutes with Jesus:  A Fresh Infusion of Joy by Sheila Walsh is a devotional. There are 50 devotions that make up this refreshing book.  All of the devotions are joy based.  The purpose of this particular title in the 5 Minute with Jesus series is to help the reader seek and find joy in all circumstances.  There isn’t any wonder why I decided to review it in this season of my life.
5 Minutes with Jesus A Fresh Infusion of Joy

5 Minutes with Jesus:  A Fresh Infusion of Joy by Sheila Walsh is a devotional. There are 50 devotions that make up this refreshing book.  All of the devotions are joy based.  The purpose of this particular title in the 5 Minute with Jesus series is to help the reader seek and find joy in all circumstances.  There isn’t any wonder why I decided to review it in this season of my life.

Each section begins with a short, three to four page, devotional which is usually starts with a short story from Sheila’s life or another person’s life.  The stories then draw the reader into the purpose of the particular chapter.  For example, “Not Always Easy” begins with a short story of Sheila asking her son what did he want to be when he grew up and her reflecting on the same question as a child.  She then goes on to share that we all desire to know that we have a purpose.  She reminds us that the mission isn’t easy, and hones in on how do we find joy when it is not easy.  Oftentimes, it seems easy to find joy when everything is going well, but as we all know there are always tough circumstances in our lives so we must learn to live joyous lives in the midst of the difficult times. In “Not Always Easy” and the other devotions, Sheila follows up the question with a story from the Bible.  In the case of “Not Always Easy”, she uses the story of Mary, the mother of the Messiah, to provide an example of a difficult time. She reminds that in the midst of this hard time Mary didn’t complain instead she rejoiced and praised the Most High. She sets an example, and encourages us to check our perspective.  To see all the things we do, whatever they may be, as an honor.  It truly is a blessing a to be a part of the Father’s work.

5 minutes with Jesus kindle edition

Each devotional is then followed up with Five Minutes in the Word.  This section has at least five scriptures that relate to the devotional.  I use the scriptures to meditate and then I journal my thoughts regarding the passages for the day. 

 5 Minutes with Jesus:  A Fresh Infusion of Joy is a simple way to check in with the Father each day if you don’t have a current Bible study or if you are desiring to cultivate a heart filled with joy. 



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