The Truth About Home Schooling


There is one thing about home education that is true, for sure.  You may have heard it a million times if you have been in the vicinity of veteran home educating parents or have read a few blogs.  You may not have heard it explicitly, but if you read between the lines I am sure you have ran across this truth.  What is this truth?  No home school is the same just like there is not one family who does everything like the next. 

It is important to know this and to remember this because it is so easy to go off course when you think that your learning environment should replicate another family's.  When we started our journey, I struggled a lot.  Not because of the teaching or the parenting of my children, but because I also wanted to work or do things for some income.  Because I didn't see this as a common practice in the home schooling community, I thought surely something was wrong with me. I started to believe that the only way to home educate was to be fully devoted to the cause without branching out to do other things like work.  I did/do work to help support our adventures, but earlier in my journey I felt lonely because it didn't seem like anyone else did this.  Now several years later, there are many moms who home educate and work, but the truth still remains none of our families do things the exact same. 

Are you new to home schooling and wondering the dos and don'ts?  Well, I am here to tell you that you are permissible to do anything you are feel led to do.  There isn't a right or wrong way although just like with all things you should act purposefully.  Home educating is a big responsibility because it's your child's future, but if you have a mission or goals you can achieve those in any way you see fit for your child.

Check out these posts about all things home learning ...

How do I stay on budget?

How to Stay on Budget in Your Home School

Preparing for Learning Without Spending Like Crazy

Why do you home school?

Why Homeschooling Works for Us

Why We Continue to Homeschool

Today was hard, I need encouragement.

Keeping Joy in Your Home School

Breaking Through Doubt

Making the Most During Times of Transition

Balancing Between Mother and Teacher

How do I stay on track in our home school?

Practical Planning for Your Home School

Day in Our Lives as Home Schoolers

Getting It All Done

Home schooling is a tad lonely, I need some support.

Should You Attend a Home School Convention?

Twenty African-American Home School Blogs and Vlogs