My Top Three Favorite Supplies as a Homeschool Teacher

I can't believe that I have yet to write a post about my favorite supplies as a homeschool mom/teacher. I've always been hesitant to write such posts because there are a ton of posts on the internet with lists of favorite pens, planners, and such, and I figured I shouldn't add to the madness.  But once the question was asked of me, I realized that my answer isn't related to the best pens, planners, or paper, but instead they aren't even in the same category.  

My Favorite Homeschool Teacher Supplies

  1. HP officeJet Pro printer and Instant Ink: We've always used HP printers since the beginning of our homeschool journey. I appreciate the quality of the printing and the ability to print in color. It wasn't until I signed up for the Instant Ink program that I really begin to take advantage of more resources. Printing is a costly expense especially if you utilize digital or reproducible resources or have more than one student. It is really easy to deplete a brand new cartridge in a matter of days if you aren't careful. HP Instant Ink has allowed me to print what resources we need and some fun activities without worry. I dreaded going to the store to spend nearly $100 on ink alone. We pay a monthly fee of $9.99 plus tax which allows us to print out 300 pages per month. I don't always use 300 pages per month so I have a steady supply of rollover pages which comes in handy when I am printing off new resources for a new semester. If you are like me and don't always print tons of pages, you can sign up for a lower page allowance.
  2. Dymo LabelWriter 450: I initially got this handy dandy printer for my business. I still use it for business, but I have found my labelwriter a great tool for our homeschool. I started using it in our homeschool to help my daughters get and stay organized. I appreciate the clean look on their folders, and they appreciate being able to pull out the right folder for the right subject without needing to flip through the pages to see what's inside.
  3. X-Acto pencil sharpener: This treasure followed me home from my classroom. We had a different electric pencil sharpener before I went to teach first grade. I bought the X-Acto sharpener because I would have more than two students, and I didn't want to have to purchase more than one pencil sharpener during the school year. Yes, it is true most teachers purchase multiple pencil sharpeners in one school year. I actually had to to utilize the warranty on mine, but it has been going steady for five years. I like it because I use pencils. I appreciate a good point on my pencil because I can't stand writing with a dull pencil.

So there you have it, I use all of these supplies quite often.  I actually need to print a few more labels for the girls notebooks and folders and print our enrichment resources for next week's lessons.

What are your favorite supplies as a homeschool teacher?  Do you use any of the ones I have listed?