How to Find Community as a Black Homeschool Family

When I started my homeschooling mom career, I initially didn't seek out other homeschooling families. I wanted to get started and find my own way before taking in the thoughts, ideas, and opinions of others on the journey. I didn't want to become confused or discouraged because of information overload. After I got my footing, I slowly started to venture out in seek different ways to interact with other homeschooling families.

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Creating a Google Classroom for Homeschool

Using technology in our homeschool has become something I’m more intentional about since my daughters are now in middle and high school. I took several online classes during my college years, and it seems online learning will continue to be an option for learning for years to come. A few years ago, we began using Google classroom to help me to stay organized and to help them continue on the path of independent learning.

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Earning Income as a Homeschool Mom

I can't recall a time in my homeschool mom career that I haven't found a way to earn some form of income. Now, some years the amount I earned wasn't much, but other years, I earned enough to cover the lion's share of our homeschool expenses plus more. Read more for ideas to earn income while homeschooling.

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