Joy in the Ordinary

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Q & A with Homeschool Mom: Nichelle

Nichelle is a veteran homeschool mom who dedicated nearly a quarter of a century to homeschooling her children.  Since she and her husband of 30 years nearly have an empty nest she has decided to return to school to get "credentials" so that she can write a history curriculum that she would have loved to use.  Currently, she runs the Facebook page Donalacasa: The Lady of the House where she shares information pertaining to virtuous womanhood. Additionally, she publishes a weekly blog, Donalacasa's Daybook.

Meet Homeschool Mom, Nichelle!

Tell us a little bit about your homeschool. How long have you homeschooled? What does your homeschool environment look like?

I have been a homeschool mom for 24 years. In the midst of our homeschooling journey, we lost our firstborn daughter at the age of 13 to a brain tumor and healing from that loss has also been a part of our journey. We've graduated 2. One of our daughters has a Masters Degree, and she in the process of applying for Harvard Law School.  Our son is a college freshman. We also have one left at home. She's a high school junior taking honors and dual enrollment classes.

How did your family decide to become a homeschooling family?

Many years ago, while stationed in Germany, we met several homeschooling families and were impressed both by the academic achievements of their children, their individuality, and their ingenuity. We decided that's what we wanted for our children along with providing fertile soil in which to grow our children's faith. Worship, prayer, and service to others has always been an important part of our homeschooling journey.

What is your favorite part about home schooling? What helps you to keep going?

The close relationships within our family. My husband and I are not as close with our respective families as we are to our children and our children are to one another.

What are your struggles with being a home schooling parent?

Consistency. I can be easily distracted and so can my children.

Share a few words of encouragement with other moms who home school. What is your tip for keeping atmosphere joyous in your home?

Have a workable routine so the children know what to expect. Learn to multitask. Reading aloud can take place during meal prep or laundry. Allow your children to make mistakes without feeling bad about themselves.

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