Joy in the Ordinary

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Home School Reflections: Setting the Tone in Your Home

The past few weeks have been a little more difficult than previous weeks.  I spent an entire week plus a few additional days under the weather, and when I finally started feeling better I was hit with a very heavy spirit because of all the things that are happening around me (not in my home, but in the world).  When a not so great week happens, it can't help but to effect our learning environment in some shape or form whether placing us "behind" schedule or arousing too many emotions at once.  Although I still have work to do with setting the tone in our home, here are three ways I try to keep our home a peaceful environment.


Three Ways to Set the Tone in Your Home

  • Be honest.  My daughters are really good at picking up on my vibe.  They can tell when I am happy and when I am sad.  I have always been honest with them about my feelings because I don't want them to pick up the burden of wearing a mask.  Honesty allows us all to work together to move pass the emotions that can bring the spirit of the home down.  When I was sick, I didn't pretend to be well instead I spent most of the week in bed, and my daughters had a few days being taught from my bedside. 
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  • Remain in His word.  It is so easy to become distracted by the things that are going on around us, and these distractions can cause us to be reactive instead of proactive.  I have found that by intentionally engaging with the Father daily ... multiple times each day that my Spirit mostly remains intact no matter what is going on around me.  Now, I do have rough days, but I am sure that they would be even harder if I didn't have His truth to lean on.  Since I am residing in His truth, then I am less likely to allow outside influences to bring havoc in our home. This also means that I am not alone in remaining in His word. Each morning I walk pass the girls' room,  I can't help but to smile because I often find them reading a book of the Bible for themselves.  They are seeking their own relationships with the Father.  When each member of the family does this we are better equip to sharpened each other.  My daughters sharpen me and I sharpen my husband, and he sharpens the girls.  It is a cycle that goes in multiple directions.


  • Choose joy and love in all circumstances.  Hard days are inevitable.  Suffering comes to us all, but we have a choice in the way we will deal with our struggles.  I don't believe in a fake plastered on smile because joy and love are internal emotions that come out even when you aren't trying to expose them so there isn't a need to try to muster them up to save face. When I choose joy, I focus on the positive effect a negative situation may have on my life or my family's.  When I choose love instead of constantly addressing disappointment, I choose to give a hug to the one who may be disappointing me.  We have a choice in our reactions.  Choosing love and joy could also mean taking a break from certain people or circumstances so that negative emotions will not have room to fester.  It doesn't mean being perfect or being a martyr, but it does mean focusing on those things that are true, pure, noble, and praiseworthy.

How do you set the tone in your home? 

Share your tips in the comments.