Joy in the Ordinary

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Building Speech Confidence and Improving Pronunciation with Forbrain (REVIEW)

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Our purpose for using the Forbrain headset was to help the youngest boost her reading aloud confidence, fluency, and pronunciation.  She often loses track of what she is reading which affects her pacing.  Forbrain doesn’t necessarily help with tracking, but it does help with being more focused which I noticed when we read the daily history lessons.  She would be become more intentional when wearing the headset which helped with her overall reading skills. My youngest daughter does a great job with decoding, and she comprehends everything she reads.  I think this is pretty amazing since she has always showed some similar signs of dyslexia.  She continues to reverse and see things differently, but if I hadn’t been with her all along and was simply an onlooker those similarities would not jump out to me as a red flag because she has strong skills in other literacy areas.   

When I read about the goal of Forbrain which is to boost the brain with your voice, I knew that this may be a great resource for her since she would often attempt to rush through words while reading without decoding.  This desire to rush wasn’t because she couldn’t decode, but instead because she didn’t want to take the time to do it.  As I mentioned before Forbrain, helped her to slow down so this also helped her to better pronounce many words that she would attempt to skip over in previous attempts.  I really do think there has been a boost of confidence when it comes to her reading aloud skills.  I say this because she has mentioned that her older sister reads aloud better than she does so I know that she noticed a difference. 

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