The Cat of Bubastes REVIEW

The girls and I have become quick fans of Heirloom Audio Productions audio dramas.  The most recent story we enjoyed is The Cat of Bubastes which tells the story of a young prince taken captive. 
Heirloom Audio Productions ~Cat of Bubastes

What’s included?

We received the physical audio package which includes two discs that capture the story in two hours.  We also received access to the downloadable bonus features which include a MP3 of The Cat of Bubastes, The Cat of Bubastes E-book, the official The Cat of Bubastes soundtrack MP3, cast poster, study guide, inspirational verse poster, Live the Adventure letter, and behind the scenes video.

About The Cat of Bubastes … 

 If you have read the story then you know what The Cat of Bubastes is all about, but if you haven’t I will share a brief synopsis.  The Cat of Bubastes tells the story of young prince, Amuba and his mentor, Jethro, who are taken to Egypt as captives.  They are paired with a young Egyptian man, Ameres, who is the son of the High Priest.  Ameres and Amuba both are challenged to think about the beliefs of their respective cultures, and the Cat of Bubastes plays a big role in the way their perspectives are formed.

How did we use The Cat of Bubastes? 

Recently, we were a one car family since my car had some issues that made it inoperable.  As you know, life doesn’t stop because of a broken car so on one of those days we had to commute 20 or so miles to take my husband to and from work.  The Cat of Bubastes was the perfect story to listen to on this day.  Yes, we listened to the entire two-hour story in one day. We had a lot of driving to do not only the commute, but there was a reason for us needing the car so we were in it for a good portion of that day.

Listening to it in the car isn’t anything new for us because we listen to most of our audio stories in the car.  The story made great conversation for the three of us.  Dad didn’t hear the story because we didn’t start it until after we all had completely woken up.  I forgot to mention we took him to work at 4:30 am.

Our thoughts about The Cat of Bubastes …

I first heard of The Cat of Bubastes when I was planning a unit study about Egypt for the girls a few years ago.  We didn’t read the story back then, but after listening to it I was a little disappointed in myself for not taking the time to read it to them earlier.  This is a testament to just how well the story was produced and shared through this medium.  It was engaging and thought provoking.  Since we had a plenty of time in the car, we were able to have some discussions about the events happening throughout the story.  I know that we will listen to it again and use the accompanying study guide to help guide our discussion.  It is definitely worth listening to it again even with the English accents.  I will say, I shared with the girls that they are really speaking Egyptian, but for our sakes we hear it in English. 

Heirloom Audio Productions ~Cat of Bubastes

Although we didn’t use the study guide our first time listening, I did read through the questions, and I found them a good resource to help deepen listening comprehension.  The guides are divided into three parts: listening well, thinking further, and defining words for each track.  Some lesson pages also include an expand your learning section which goes deeper into a variety of topics.

As always, we enjoyed listening to this Heirloom Audio Production, and I am looking forward to listening to it again.

Heirloom Audio Productions ~Cat of Bubastes
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